New Poll: A majority of Canadians support decriminalization of all drugs

Mayor Kennedy Stewart was pleased to see new data released by Angus Reid that shows that Canadians understand the overdose crisis's severity and want governments to take action.
Encouragingly, a strong majority of Canadians polled want to see drug use as a public health problem, not a criminal justice problem. More and more, people agree with Mayor Kennedy Stewart that we need to end our war on people who use drugs and change our approach so we can save lives.
Below are a few key findings, and you can find the full report here.
Two-in-three B.C. residents (66 percent) favour decriminalizing all drugs, the highest level of support in the country where support overall is 59 percent.
66 percent of British Columbians and 65 percent of Canadians support Mayor Kennedy Stewart's approach to harm reduction, including supervised injection sites.
If you have not yet contacted the federal government in support of decriminalization, please do so here!