Do you support the empty homes tax?
Two Vancouver mayor candidates – the Non Partisan Association’s (NPA) John Coupar and A Better City’s Ken Sim – want to end the empty homes tax and give the millions of dollars it raises back to speculators.
Mayor Kennedy Stewart believes the empty homes tax is working for all of us.
The Mayor believes Vancouver needs the empty homes tax to prevent housing speculation, create new rental units and raise funds for new affordable housing. That is why he followed through on his promise to triple the empty homes tax on speculators in 2020.
So far, under Mayor Kennedy Stewart’s leadership the empty homes tax has brought 5,000 new rental homes onto the market and raised over $84 million for affordable housing investments.
Now, Mayor Stewart introduced a motion to raise the empty homes tax to 5% to fight housing speculation and build more affordable housing.
If you agree, please add your name today!