Watch now: Making Home video
This new video explains why Mayor Kennedy Stewart's Making Home plan will create new opportunities for homeownership while generating funds to build more affordable rental homes for working people and fight homelessness.
Making Home
Making Home is a bold new plan allowing thousands of young, middle-class, or new Canadian families to buy their first home.
It includes allowing up to six ground-oriented units to be built on a single lot where now only extremely expensive detached housing is currently allowed.
Hundreds of these new homes can be built by groups of friends for themselves and their families, or by small builders looking to expand housing choice in Vancouver
In addition, owners who don’t want to leave the neighbourhood they love can use the program to downsize and age in place, keeping one of the new homes for themselves and selling or renting the rest to help finance the project.
Making Home also contains critical measures to limit speculation while raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness, build affordable rental, repair ageing infrastructure, expand childcare, and accelerate the climate emergency action plan.
Making Home is a housing plan for all of us: we will build 10,000 new homes and generate the funding we need to support households making less than $80,000 a year. From new modular supportive housing for those facing homelessness, to affordable rental housing for working people.
Making Home is an Economic Recovery Plan for all of us: we will generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs through construction and new investments in community amenities and infrastructure – powering our recovery from COVID-19.
Making Home is a Climate Plan for all of us: this plan accelerates Vancouver’s world-leading Climate Emergency Action Plan by creating more walkable communities while providing funds for us to invest in everything from EV chargers to new bus lanes in a way that is fair and equitable.