What experts are saying about Making Home

Hear what these Vancouver experts have to say about Making Home.

Profile picture for Brennagh Bailey
Brennagh Bailey
January 26, 2022

With Vancouver City Council set to vote today on Making Home, Mayor Kennedy Stewart’s plan to bring homeownership back to the middle class, experts are weighing in with their support:




Jill Atkey, CEO BC Non-Profit Housing Association & Thom Armstrong, CEO Co-op Housing Federation of BC

“We are encouraged to see this motion brings to light the limiting nature of the City’s current exclusionary, single-family zoning in terms of the City’s ability to address the ongoing housing crisis. Overall, we support the City in working to deliver a greater diversity of housing options for Vancouverites and are particularly interested in the potential of this program to raise funds to create more affordable homes through land-value capture.”





Ron Rapp, CEO, Homebuilders Association Vancouver

“HAVAN would be very pleased to support the introduction of the Making HOME program in the City of Vancouver, which could be a win, win, win program for housing affordability, for providing opportunity to the “missing middle” cohort, and to provide affordable housing choices and opportunity for the  residents of this city.”


Stephen von Sychowski, President, Vancouver & District Labour Council

“Working people continue to find themselves pushed into seeking housing farther away, meaning longer commutes, and negative impacts on quality of life and on our climate. Making HOME helps to increase affordable housing options while simultaneously generating much needed funds for climate initiatives and community improvements."



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