Save time and register to vote before Monday, August 15!

Profile picture for Mark Hosak
Mark Hosak
August 12, 2022

This fall's election is coming up fast, and there are many opportunities to vote between now and then, whether by mail, advance polls, or on Election Day (October 15)!

In order to vote, you must be registered with Elections BC. The advance voter registration deadline is this Monday, August 15 – registering in advance means that the City of Vancouver will send you a voter information card in September. This card tells you where to go, what you need to bring, and allows you to vote quickly and easily in October.

If you voted in Vancouver in the last provincial election (2020), you are already registered to vote, but if you have moved or changed your name you must update your voter registration. If you’re not sure whether you’re already registered, you can check the voter list to confirm!

You can vote in Vancouver if all of the following are true for you:

  • You are 18 years old or older on Election Day (October 15)
  • You are a Canadian citizen
  • You have lived in B.C. for at least six months immediately before the day you register
  • You live in Vancouver
  • You are not disqualified by law from voting

To register, you just need one of these:

  • Your B.C. driver’s licence number
  • Your B.C. Identification Card number
  • The last six digits of your Social Insurance Number
  • The last six digits of your Personal Health Number

Remember to register by Monday, August 15 to save time on Election Day. It takes just a few minutes and you’ll be all set to vote!

Questions about the upcoming election? The City of Vancouver has all the information you need on their website and has published a voters’ guide in 11 different languages:

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Profile picture for Mark Hosak


Executive Director of Forward Together with Kennedy Stewart.