Profile image for Dulcy Anderson

Dulcy Anderson

Candidate for City Council

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I’m running for Vancouver City Council to build a Vancouver that offers security and opportunity for my children and for everyone who dreams of living here. We face generational housing, health, climate and caregiving crises, but we also have a generational opportunity to work with progressive senior government to invest in housing, childcare, climate action, and transportation.

While earning degrees in women’s studies and city planning from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I spent years in community organizing and nonprofit housing, working to create better housing, childcare and economic development opportunities for women. After moving with my husband and young family to Vancouver, I continued this work at MLA David Eby’s constituency office.

Vancouver is beautiful, but for far too many of our neighbours, the housing crisis we face is destabilizing, demoralizing, and at times soul destroying.

I’ve worked with families living in cars with their pets, with young people forced to live in crowded and sometimes unsafe basement suites, and with seniors pushed onto the street after losing apartments they’ve lived in for decades. My first priority is to help us all move forward together to create greater equity through the choices we make, and particularly to address the housing emergency.


Dulcy Anderson has my full support because I know that she has a deep commitment to our community. Electing Dulcy and a progressive majority on Council, working together with provincial and federal levels, means that we can get some really big things done.

David Eby
MLA and former Attorney General

Dulcy Anderson is the kind of advocate we need on City Council. Her focus on the needs of women and caregivers, housing, and childcare will bring positive changes for Vancouver families.

Katrina Chen
MLA and Minister of State for Child Care

Dulcy would be a thoughtful city councillor who can listen and work with others, and she definitely shares my passion for a city built with active transportation in mind. I’m voting for Dulcy for city council.

Peter Ladner
Chair of BC Cycling Coalition and former city councillor

Dulcy is deeply connected to her community, a great listener and problem solver, and a generally brilliant human who brings fresh ideas.

Tanya Kyi
Lecturer at UBC School of Creative Writing and children's writer

Dulcy understands the complexities of effective city government. She has proven skills in working collaboratively on housing, climate change, and building an inclusive city.

Margot Young
Professor at UBC Allard School of Law

Dulcy is a person with strong ethics and integrity, who believes in leveling the playing field, creating a more equal society where everyone has access to housing, education and personal advancement.

Marion Landers
Actor, choreographer, teacher, and playwright